Day 1 of Homeschooling Preschool is Done!

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Today was the first day of homeschooling preschool for my daughter. I’ve been trying to teach her when learning opportunities came up previously, but I consider today her first day.

Why’s that?

Honestly it’s because hubby got this great daily calendar for us to use!

It came in yesterday so we set it up for the first time today. I shared with K about the days of the week and she chose her feeling for the day. She turned 3 years old last week so she doesn’t really understand all of the concepts. Weather, temperatures, and feelings are easy, but month, date, and year are too abstract at this point. K was more interested in playing with the magnets than anything, but it’s a start!

We also went to the library. We had some things to do at the circulation desk which took longer than anticipated. When K needed patience – not something that comes naturally to a 3 year old – I asked her to count and she was able to count to 10 independently. I also asked her what apple starts with and she remembered “A.” Luckily, we had time to reward her with time playing in the children’s area after we finished up.

Later on, we replanted one of my shamrock plants and some green onion bulbs and she liked getting her hands dirty.

So… all in all, she did Math, English and Science, along with learning about Time, Weather and more. And she even took a field trip!

I’d say that was a great first day!

We’ll see how tomorrow goes, but I’m excited to finally get started!

P.S. I attended preschool for 2 years – ages 3 and 4 – so I feel confident that starting at age 3 will be beneficial for my daughter, though I don’t plan to make school too formalized yet.

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