Reviewing the PLAY to Learn Homeschool Hub and Community

PLAY to Learn Homeschool Hub

*I am a paying, founding member of the PLAY to Learn Homeschool Hub. This review is my honest opinion. This post includes affiliate links which means I may earn commissions for purchases made while using my link.

Do you have a friend that’s just super creative and happy and excited to share all the things with you? For me, that’s Malia Phelps Waller.

I met Malia a couple of years ago when we both joined the same membership for moms who were entrepreneurs. And then we also joined another membership for moms that also had a parenting focus. (I’ll link to both at the bottom of the blog post.) We seemed to keep running into each other, so wouldn’t you know it? It turned out that my biz bestie is someone that has known her since they were little kids.

For all intents and purposes, Malia and I were acquaintances until… I joined her PLAY to Learn Homeschool Hub and Community as one of her founding members.

PLAY to Learn Homeschool Hub

The PLAY to Learn Homeschool Hub

The PLAY to Learn Homeschool Hub is based on Malia’s experience of using playing as a valuable learning tool when she taught special education in the public school system. The idea is that young children (and not so young children) learn best through experiences, and if you’re going to do activities, you might as well make them fun and memorable! She recently developed a learning style personality quiz that you can take for each of your children. She often shares information of teaching your children (playing with your children) based on their specific learning style.

Monthly Features

  • Themed Print + Play Pack: a digital download with ideas for games and activities within it’s theme for toddlers (1-2), preschoolers (3-5), big kids (6-10), and families (all ages, 10+). It also includes recipes for sensory play materials, coloring pages and/or cut out activities, and more.
  • Monthly Masterclass with Malia: a live Masterclass on the monthly theme or something related to it based on Malia’s experience as an educator, homeschool mom, and a bunch of research.
  • Guest Expert: each month a new guest expert comes and shares/trains live on a topic within the monthly theme. This is followed by a Q&A with the expert. So far it’s been women, though I’m sure Malia chooses the best person regardless of gender.
  • Coffee Chat Q&A: a monthly chance to catch up live, hang out, ask questions, and share thoughts.

Along with the monthly features, there’s a community that can be accessed online or within the Kajabi communities app. Each live event is uploaded so everyone can catch the replay. There’s also a private podcast feed that includes each of the live events so you can listen on the go.

Learning through Play: My Thoughts and Experiences

I LOVE the PLAY to Learn Homeschool Hub in theory and mostly in practice. I’ll go into each section below, but I love the idea that kids learn through play. This wasn’t something I truly understood before joining the PLAY to Learn Homeschool Hub. When I started homeschooling, I kept thinking of it like a typical public school experience with a focus on book-learning. I knew that I learned better when I added in other methods (reading, listening, teaching, doing). So much of the world is sensory, especially for preschoolers and other young children. It just makes sense that kids learn through playing!

The Good Stuff

The monthly Play Packs are jam packed with ideas so you can always go back. K especially loved making rainbow rice! These activity packs can be used to supplement a preschool curriculum. If you’d rather focus on play-based learning before committing to a curriculum, they’re great for that, too.

Malia’s masterclasses are so well-prepared, in laymen’s terms, and they just make you think. The information is applicable to both being a mom AND being a homeschool mom. For example, “Exploring the Senses: The Power of Sensory Play” was great for my preschooler, but I can also use what I learned to play with my one year old toddler. It’s a fun way to also give him learning experiences.

The guest experts have each blown me away with what they teach. The trainings can be enjoyed by all and they simplify their concepts to make sure they’re applicable for everyone. But even for the experts who are more focused on play or on educating, I love the psychological basis of so much of what they share (psych major here 👋🏻).

Needs Some Work

The only part that I really see lacking within the PLAY to Learn Homeschool Hub is that actual community. By no fault of Malia, it seems that she mainly attracts homeschool moms that also have businesses. This means that oftentimes I’m the only person available and showing up live for calls (I also have a thriving VA business, but I know that I learn best when I show up live so I make an effort to add the calls to my schedule). There also isn’t much conversation going on in the community, which could be due to the platform, due to the membership, due to how new it is, or a number of unknown factors. I know that’s something Malia is working on and looking for solutions to increase participation.

Overall Thoughts

Even without a community presence, I think the PLAY to Learn Homeschool Hub is a great monthly investment that I would recommend to all homeschool moms of young children… especially those who are chatty so we can get the community hopping together!!

Malia Phelps Waller

Interview with Malia Phelps Waller 

Hi Malia! Can you share a little about yourself and your business for my readers?

I’m a homeschool mama of two and licensed special education teacher and board certified behavior analyst. I taught in the public school setting in early childhood and assistive technology pK-12 for a combined 11 years before coming home to teach my own kids. 

What inspired you to create the PLAY to Learn Homeschool Hub?

Leaving teaching to homeschool my own kids was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make. I loved working with families and kids through our local school system. One of the things that I did in that role was helping to find the perfect accommodations and modifications to curriculum to help meet each child’s unique needs. Through a collaborative approach with specialists and families over and over again I found that when we gave kids the tools they needed for success at an individual level they began to really thrive. My hope is that the PLAY to Learn Homeschool Hub can give homeschool families this same support to meet their kids right where they are and infuse lots of fun into their homeschool learning. 

What’s your favorite part of the PLAY to Learn Homeschool Hub?

I love to problem solve and collaborate with others. The LIVE masterclasses and monthly LIVE coffee chat Q+A are my favorite. Every month we have a live Masterclass where we chat about playful learning styles and teaching strategies, a guest expert LIVE Masterclass on topics ranging from parenting strategies with parent coaches & exploring sensory systems with occupational therapists to sustainable decluttering routines with a decluttering coach (coming in August).

Where can we find you on social?

I’m on Instagram @maliaphelpswallerhomeschool and Facebook @maliaphelpswaller

If you want to do a deeper dive into playful learning you can join us in the Make Homeschool Learning More Fun Facebook Group❤️

Thank you so much for your time! And thanks for joining us In Our Homeschool!

** Psst! Here are the links to the memberships that Malia and I both joined.
The Mom CEO Club is about being a present mom and thriving business owner – it focuses on time management and productivity.
The Supermom Society is from Lori Whitney Oberbroeckling, the author of Secrets of Supermom, and focuses on parenting and productivity.

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    Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This post may include affiliate links which means I may earn commissions for purchases made while using my link.

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