We Finished the Reading the Alphabet Challenge!

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Over the last three months, we have been participating in the Reading the Alphabet Challenge in our homeschool. This challenge started one day at the library when I decided to find books that started with each letter of the alphabet.

My 3 year old daughter was too busy playing with the toys at the library to pick any books of her own. My solution, in order to avoid either choosing books completely at random or choosing only books with titles that I found interesting, was to choose books starting with each letter of the alphabet.

The Challenge of the Reading Challenge

In the beginning, it was easy to find books representing each letter. A-B-C-D-E – I wouldn’t be surprised if a quarter or more of all kids books at the library start with those letters! But as we continued, it became harder to find the letters we needed.

Eventually, last week, the librarian who knew that we’ve been participating in this reading challenge needed to help me find books. We were down to the letters T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z. As I found each letter, I placed it on a table and was telling my daughter which letters to look for. The last two letters that proved to be difficult were U and X. I heard a voice from the desk tell me that Xander’s Panda Party was written by Park. I found it right in front of my nose on the bookshelf I had just been browsing. She then shared a book from the Spanish section for U which I quickly found as well.

Progressing through the Alphabet

Whereas it was easier to find books earlier in the alphabet, the reverse was true with actually reading the books. In the beginning, K wasn’t exactly eager to read the books I chose (but she also didn’t want to choose them herself). I think this was more due to her age as opposed to the book content. And if I’m being completely honest, we had fallen out of the habit of regular reading and only took time to read bedtime stories when it was convenient and the kids got to bed early. O becomes extra grumpy anytime he deems it too late if I’m not singing him to sleep yet.

As we continued to read stories, K began to enjoy them more and more. By the time last week came along, she was eager for us to finish the challenge and brought me several books at a time to read. She also wanted to read a few of the books over and over again because she liked them so much. This surprised me since she had other books that she’d picked out at the library we could’ve read instead. But I was definitely happily surprised. Considering how much I enjoy reading, it’s exciting that she’s getting more into it.

Our Reading Challenge

As I mentioned earlier, this was our first time through the Reading the Alphabet Challenge. To make it easy, I looked around the children’s department to choose books that began with each letter of the alphabet. I think next time it might be fun to look for award winning books or maybe find really popular books based on Amazon reviews. I’ve been requesting homeschooling books on inter-library loan and could easily request our Reading the Alphabet books in the same way.

If you’re interested in checking out the books I read with K, here’s the list! Although these are affiliate purchase links, you could easily find many or most of these at your local library.

Reading the Alphabet Challenge tracker

A-Z: the Books We Read

Reading the Alphabet Challenge Certificate

Take the Challenge!

Take the Reading the Alphabet Challenge today! It’s free, it’s fun, and comes with a cool completion certificate. 

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    Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This post may include affiliate links which means I may earn commissions for purchases made while using my link.

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    1. Grandpa


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